
Heading to Kyoto provided us the opportunity to take one of Japan’s famous bullet trains. It took just over 2 hours; a normal train would have taken longer than 8 hours. The train was like traveling in a luxury sedan with plenty of leg room, a reclining seat and wireless internet. We were so comfortable we fell asleep and forgot to take any pictures.

We thought Kyoto was a sleepy little town which we would easily be able to conquer in two and half days, but boy were we wrong. Upon arrival we were both quite hungry and headed to a Cafe called Cafe bibliotechica Hello! When we walked in I was’t sure if we were in Melbourne or Japan. The menu was written in english and included sandwiches with ham, cheese and fig. The food was further served in typical Melbourne fashion with Katherine’s meal coming 30 minutes before my meal. I digress as the belly’s were full and we were onto the adventure.

First stop Ninjo Castle. Can somebody say Kungfoo Fighting…



Next stop was the imperial palace. Note to self for further reference a number of temple’s require advance approval so consider sending a letter ahead if you have any must see temples.

Day two started with the Kamakera Dera temple. This temple is known for its love rocks. Legend has it that if you are able to walk the 18 meteres between the two rocks with your eyes closed you will be able to find love without assistance. If you miss the rock you are screwed… Chris was up to the challenge. Unfortunately there was a pesky tour group between the two rocks that created unforseen obstacles. Luckily Katherine came to the rescue stepped in and assured safe passage between the two rocks.





Next we attended a Gesha show. Fun fact the kimono outfits take 6 months to make.


Followed by a traditional tea ceremony (I think we got scammed).


The last day we started at a famous temple with red torri (I agree they look orange). These go on for 4K around the temple property, mostly up a hillside. It is also the setting of a movie.


Last thing of the trip was to go to the Japanese baths. The baths are a spiritual experience where the men and women are separate. You strip down to your birthday suit and go in hot baths and saunas. We chose a picturesque bath in the mountains. Sorry no photos were allowed which I think we are all thankful for.

Cherry blossom ice cream! Several steps up from the purple sweet potato ice cream. We weren’t bold enough to try the green tea ice cream.

Chris starting his journey down the Path of Philosophy, a cherry blossom lined canal which takes about 30 minutes to complete passing several temples and shrines. The path was believed to be used by a famous philosopher for daily meditation.

Chris finishing his journey down the Path of Philosophy – improved?

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