
A whirlwind passed and we have arrived in Tokyo. After a long day of air travel and three metro changes, we arrived at our hotel and the “Japanese” style bedding our backpacker budget could afford.

“Japanese” style bedding… aka the floor.

The next day was filled with seeing the sites. We were in luck as it is early spring and it is Cherry Blossom season! Cherry blossoms are a symbol of the journey of life and very special to the Japanese people.



Chris showing the line of people cueing to get into the Pachinko parlour at 9:45 in the morning! It must open it’s doors at 10. Pachinko is a popular form of gambling, where you take dime sized metal balls and drop them into the top of the machine and watch them funnel through pegs in an attempt to get your metal ball into the big money slots – similar to Plenko on the Price is Right. (For all those wondering a windfall profit was not made at this establishment.)

Tokyo tower

The very famous Tijishi fish market was high on our list of Tokyo sites. Waking up at 4:30, we caught the first train to the other side of the city in an attempt to obtain one of the many coveted visitor passes. In typical Chris and Katherine style, our research was incomplete and we missed out on the visitor day passes into this Tuna auction spectical! We later learned, that the gates might not open until 5am, but people start cueing at 3:30! Missing out on the tuna auction, we headed for the ‘secret’ hole in the wall sushi restaurant in the market called Sushi-Dai, only to learn our secret was shared by the masses, resulting in a 5 hour wait! We opted for the venue next door with a thirty minute wait. As such, we had our first sushi meal in Tokyo at 6am at a venue with the freshest fish – literally coming from the market floor only hours before.

Yum, nothing like raw fish at 6am.

Sumo wrestling

Sumo’s stretching!

Statue of Liberty and Golden Gate Bridge (In Tokyo)

Yebisu beer factory

Our last day took us out of the city to Kamakura – home of the big budda. I am almost positive I visited this big budda when I was little, so I was excited to go back and re-live the memories from so many years before.


Jetstar competition winners???

Purple sweet potato ice cream – it tastes just like it sounds

Bride in the city shrine

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